sincerely yours

I <3 the 80's!
This might just be my favorite Surcee I have ever made! It's for my brother, who, thanks to his sister, loves "The Breakfast Club." I couldn't resist this amazing cross stitch pattern I stumbled upon at an etsy shop called weelittlestitches. Check her out! She has some great contemporary designs.

happy almost birthday

This cute magnet frame turned message is a small BIRTHday gift to the adorn the tiny but sweet NYC sleeping space my niece will soon share with the family washer/dryer.
P.S. e is for ella


I am not sure why I love feathers... it could be because, like us, they are one of a kind. Maybe it is the soft tickle they produce. Most likely, I think, it is the possibility that they were once in the sky and I am jealous.
I have been on a "cross stitch" kick as of late. My mother won a blue ribbon at the Texas State Fair for her cross stitch. She designed patterns and made many a surcee.
I guess it is my turn now. :)

on display

When I found this vintage frame, I knew I would use it to display something rather than a   traditional picture.
I had a scrap of old cork board left from an another project, and remembered these adorable fabric brads I had been hoarding saving. Now the hard part...who to give this sweet little surcee to?

rock on

 It doesn't get any easier or cheaper than this little Surcee!
Walk outside. Look down.
Rocks are everywhere. Think of an encouraging word, 
a special date, a milestone to be remembered. Commemorate it with paint. Carry one as a reminder to yourself or maybe hide it for someone who might need a little inspiration to find.

on ya

For those of you who know her...consider yourself blessed. For those who have not yet "experienced" Beth Moore, BE PREPARED! :) If you are lucky, you might just get a little ON YA! After years of watching her on video and studying God's Word along side her, the Wed.night bible study girls will finally be in the room arena to experience it live. I created this glittered poster for us to hold up as we scream and sing like a bunch of teenagers at a Justin Bieber concert. Aug. 24th can't get here fast enough! :)

*a Bethism used to denote a desire that the anointing of the Holy Spirit be on you.
check out more about Beth and her ministry Living Proof.